The Guzzler found this a pleasant jigsaw to construct up to a point. And that point was when he saw what remains to this day THE SCARIEST JIGSAW PIECE HE HAS EVER SEEN.
Given that the subject matter of this jigsaw is 1960s Children's Games, it's even more scary. The Guzzler thinks they must have made kids tougher back then. Any games company trying to flog this sort of business to kids today would receive short shrift. Possibly legal action.
Here is the offending piece in context:
Horror aside, The Guzzler found this puzzle a breath of fresh air when compared to the map-based challenges he'd set himself recently.
Here's a few shots of the jigsaw under construction.
The Guzzler enjoyed his craft ale, but remains haunted by that piece.
Here's the finished puzzle:
Would have been an 8, bar for that horrific piece.
Super varied pieces when compared to previous maps.
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